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List Of BCA Projects
Web Template

  1. Card Fraud Detecting system
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    Card Fraud Detecting system

    Credit card transactions continue to grow in number, taking an ever-larger share of the US payment system and leading to a higher rate of stolen account numbers and subsequent losses by banks. Improved fraud detection thus has become essential to maintain the viability of the US payment system.

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  3. Collaborative testing of web services
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    Collaborative testing of web services

    The presents a prototype implementation of the framework in semantic WS and demonstrates the feasibility of the framework by running examples of building a testing tool as a test service, developing a service for test executions of a WS, and composing existing test services for more complicated testing tasks.

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  5. Web Based Claim Processing System
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    Web Based Claim Processing System

    Web Based Claims Processing System (WCPS) developed in ASP.Net (C#) so that the employee can fill the form online and submit it so that the form is sent to Claim Processing Department (CPD) through Internet. At CPD, the form needs to be checked automatically by a program which will compute the amount that needs to be reimbursed to the employee for the treatment undertaken.

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  7. Image matching using investigation method in Cryptography
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    Image matching using investigation method in Cryptography

    During search it measures the residuals and uses this model to correct the current parameters, leading to a better fit. A good overall match is obtained in a few iterations, even from poor starting estimates. We describe the technique in detail and show it matching to new face images

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  9. Unicode optical character recognization
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    Unicode optical character recognization

    The range of the applications under this area is increasing day by day, due to it s utility in almost major areas of government as well as private sector. This techniqu e has been very useful in making paper free environment in many major organiz ations as far as the backup of their previous file record is concerned.

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  11. Multi Level Stegonography
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    Multi Level Stegonography

    which defines a new concept for hidden communication in telecommunication networks. In MLS, at least two steganographic methods are utilised simultaneously, in such a way that one method (called the upper-level) serves as a carrie r for the second one (called the lower-level). Such a relationship between two (or more) information hiding solutions has several potential benefits.

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  13. Data Sharing Group in Multiple Company
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    Data Sharing Group in Multiple Company

    By leveraging group signature and dynamic broadcast encryption techniques, any cloud user can anonymously share data with others. Meanwhile, the storage overhead and encryption computation cost of our scheme are independent with the number of revoked users.

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  15. Online Image Filtering based on CBIR
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    Online Image Filtering based on CBIR

    To provide a best result in pr oposed work we are implementing high level filterin g where we are using the anisotropic morphological filters, hierarchical Ka man filter and particle filter proceeding with fea ture extraction method based on color and gray level feature and after th is the results were normalized.

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  17. Blood Banking Search System using Android
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    Blood Banking Search System using Android

    The project Android Blood Bank system is developed so that users can view the right donor online instantly using medical details along with the blood group is spent in searching for the right donor and the availability of blood required.

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  19. Safe city for using gps and camera
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    Safe city for using gps and camera

    Public security is a growing problem for cities worldwide. Huawei’s LTE technology helps knit together a private Internet of Things to provide police and emergency services with new technologies to fight crime and make cities safer.

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    Browse More Projects...

    1. Smart E-Learning

    2. Virual Blood Bank

    3. Online Auction

    4. Electronic Billing System Management

    5. Customer Relationship Management(CRM)

    6. CAB:Booking System using GPS

    7. Mobile Recharge System

    8. Visual Image Search System

    9. Blood Information System

    10. Patient Information System

    11. Asset Maintenance And Delivery Chellan

    12. Data Sharing in Hospital Automation

    13. Online Mobile Shopping

    14. Deposite Management System

    15. Post Office Management System

    16. Seating arrangement

    17. Machine quality management

    18. Library Management System

    19. Inventory Managemnt System System

    20. Attendance Management

    21. Accounting Software in Metal Company

    22. Policy Sharing in Multi Domain Process Services

    23. Construction Work order System

    24. Event Management System

    25. Employee Management System

    26. Visa Processing System

    27. Insurance System

    28. Railway Reservation System

    29. Ensuring distributed accountability for data sharing

    30. Improve Website Recommendation based on user behaviours

    31. Image based online video search

    32. Screen capture utility

    33. Filter Unwanted Messages from OSN User Walls

    34. Mobile Recharging With Banking Transaction Using SMS

    35. Student Portal Management System

    36. Online mahal booking system

    37. Authentication for Session Password Using Color and Images

    38. Gsm Service Enabled Report Transfer System

We Offer Project For

B. E (Computer Science)

B. E (Electronics and Communication)

B. E (Electrical and Electronics Eng.)

B. E (Information Technology)

B. E (Instrumentation Control and Eng.)

M. E (Computer Science)

M. E (Power Electronics)

M. E (Control System)

M. E (Software Engg)

M. E (Applied Electronics)

M. SC (IT , IT&M , CS&M, CS)



B.Sc. (IT , CS)