Gain the expertise you need to steer the financial future of companies. The Performance Management and Control module will train you in decision-making, budgeting and cost control techniques. You can support your business decisions with published financial statements, using the research and analytical skills granted to you by the Advanced Corporate Reporting module.
he Marketing major investigates the fundamental approaches to understanding markets, competitors, and portfolios of product offerings. It's popular for students interested in general management careers, as well as in the media and entertainment field and management consulting.
The effects of varying cutout size andlaminate properties on e respons of compression-d shells are described. A detailed finite elementmodel of a d test specimen is used o provide more accurat representation of the actual experiment.The detaile model includes measured initial geometricimperfections, nonuniform load introduction, bound-y condition nonuniformities, shell thickness varia-tions and material property variations. Results indi-cate that e nonlinear interaction between the out-of-plane deformations and in-plane stress resultants nearthe cutout n significantly influence the structural re-sponse of the shell.
In the rapidly expanding world of information systems management, strategic professionals need to demonstrate both leadership ability and technical competencies. Our MBA in Information Systems Management allows you to develop the credentials you need to succeed in this exciting field. As just one of the 19 concentrations offered at Keller, our MBA in Information Systems Management provides extensive course offerings so you can better shape the direction of the degree program to reflect and guide your vision for your career..
B. E (Computer Science)
B. E (Electronics and Communication)
B. E (Electrical and Electronics Eng.)
B. E (Information Technology)
B. E (Instrumentation Control and Eng.)
M. E (Computer Science)
M. E (Power Electronics)
M. E (Control System)
M. E (Software Engg)
M. E (Applied Electronics)
M. SC (IT , IT&M , CS&M, CS)
B.Sc. (IT , CS)